Our Company

Our company...a little information about Home Theater Experts !

Home Theater Experts serves businesses and residents in the Lakes Region and surrounding areas.

If you have a home or business in or around New Hampshire that needs any home theater related service, feel free to contact us.

  Click here for a list of our products and services.

  Click here to see our testimonials.

A brief history of Keith Searle's business...

  1980's (early)  -  Belknap Antenna served residents of Belknap county in New Hampshire.

  1988 - Belknap Antenna was purchased by Keith Searle, serving residents of the Lakes Region and surrounding areas of New Hampshire and parts of Massachusetts, Maine and Vermont for twenty years.

  2008 - Belknap Antenna was renamed Home Theater Experts, better describing the services provided.

  2010 - Family-owned and operated business.  Click here to see a photograph of our family on Thanksgiving Day in 2010.